Part 58: Press the Button (3)
Part 58: Press the Button (3)
The thread is thirsty for blood.

Let's go press the kill button.


Music: Glacial Solitude

Eric sits up just as suddenly.

Missing Lip Animations: 45

Not sure why I'm still noting the missing lip animations. It's not like they're all that notable when they're there. I think maybe they're synced up to the Japanese dialogue, because they don't really fit the English words. I guess I don't want to quit halfway through at this point.

Way to be all accusatory when you were demanding the same thing.

I'll be right back. I'm going to go play a different fragment where I can kill Eric again. Stand by...

Ahh, that felt better. Let's continue.

There's a falling sound here, but it's not what you think.

It's just Eric falling to his knees.

Eric is having a flashback episode to when his dad killed his brother, again.

Well there's some new information. Part of Eric's guilt complex is that Chris got punished for something that Eric did?

And more falling sounds, for the expected reason, this time.

Static. Fragment over.

Also, fragment complete.

We're back at the Team Select screen, but we're not done with this update yet.

There's once again only one option for moving forward from here. (Why is Gab chained up?)

I know I called the single-decision, two-branch fragment structure the simplest one there is, but these ones prove me wrong.
Music: Sinisterness Phase 1

No fragment title is given up front. But I'm pretty sure I know what we're about to see.

C-Team instantly shifts from prone to crouched, then slowly stand up like zombies.

In this scenario, the other teams didn't push the button, and got their memory wiped of their last experience in this room.

Either the memory-wipe drug isn't fully effective, or there's information leaking through the morphogenetic field despite it. D-Team in particular seems to get funny extra memories. Also the D-Team scene we see here is different from the one where C-Team pressed the button. I think D-Team plays off of whichever other team is also getting hosed down, so gets a different scene each time? For instance, when C-Team pressed the button, we saw D-Team first, and then Q-Team. Now with Q-Team pressing the button, we see C-Team first, and then D-Team. What will we see when D-Team presses the button?

C-Team is also getting some extra information going on. Not that it's going to do either team much good soon. You do remember what we did at the start of this update?

The sound of liquid running through pipes is heard here. Like a muffled waterfall.

The heartbeat sound returns here. A moment of crisis for the teams, but there's no decision that can help them now.

So many screams.

And more screaming. Then a slow fade to white...

Farewell, C-Team and D-Team. Slow fade to black this time.
Music: Aftermath (Decontamination Room)

The computer lady is here to give us our X-Passes.

[Computer Lady:] That is all.
DREAM for Carlos for some reason. Maybe his sister's Reverie Syndrome affliction? KEY for Akane is a reference to her Crash Keys organization I guess. QUARK for Junpei is a reference to his ward/companion in VLR. MOM for Diana, DEAR for Phi? No idea there; is Diana a mother? And ARM for Sigma could be a reference to him losing his arms in the VLR timeline?

Settle down, you guys won, just put in your X-Passes and leave already.

An anguished scream from Eric here, which seems a little out of place given his attitude in other fragments.

He falls to his knees, again.

Not that Eric has had any problem waving a shotgun and a grenade launcher around in different fragments.

Dunno, looks like everyone's here to me?
Music: Quantum Computer Dome (Q)

Fade to black, and we're suddenly in the Quantum Computer Dome. First time seeing it, I think.

Oh, right, Gab. I guess every other scene we've had where people go through the X-Door, Gab just kind of is mysteriously already there. And this time, he's...not?

He's chained up? Who? How? Why?

There's a sound of metal banging against metal as the chains are moved around.

I went in a deep internet dive on this topic but the game actually explains it pretty well, so I'll just let it continue.

More chain-clanging sounds.

Metempsychosis basically refers to the idea of a soul reincarnating after death. So, living a new life but without any memories of the old one.

Says the kid with no memories.

Apparently murdering six people turns Q-Team into some kind of philosophical debate club.

Stop torturing poor Eric with brain teasers. Can we get Gab free or not?

Well, that was a fun 50+ images of philosophy class. But we finally fade to black.
Music: Solitary Snail

All that talk for nothing, huh?

Another fade to black.
Music: Mischievousness (Consternation Remix)

It's been about 90 images and over eight minutes of gameplay cutscenes since the X-Passes were revealed here. I wasn't paying any attention (I often record long scenes like this without watching or listening, so I get better reactions out of myself when I write it up) and had to look wayyyyyy back in the log for them.

In fact you can see how far up the scrollbar on the left side is.

Anyway, they all work.

And the X-Door starts to open.

I've never figured out what the fog coming out of the door is supposed to be.

Anyway, the X-Door finally finishes opening with a slam.

Eric and Mira run ahead.

A single, hesitant step.

Music: Nostalgic Scenery

And the X-Door starts to close. Are you sure the dog is worth it?

The screen shakes as the X-Door slams shut. Forever. Probably.

That was a very long game over, but still a game over. If it's any comfort, Mira probably killed Eric a few days after they got out, again.

But we completed the fragment we were forced to do. I forgot to mention it last time, but the name "Standoff" oddly doesn't appear on the fragment select screen; instead it's just called "-----".

We've got one more Decontamination Room fragment to replay. Plus two more Execution fragments. And five new fragments, still, too. Select the story fragment.
Got some new files from when C-Team pressed the button, that I forgot to show, and two new files from this update:
'Leucochloridium' posted:
A parasite that uses snails as initial hosts, and then transfers to birds. The egg originates in the digestive tract of a snail, and then migrates to the tentacles. The leucochloridium causes the tentacle to take on the appearance of a worm or caterpillar, which draws the attention of birds. Once eaten by a bird, the parasite will lay an egg that leaves the body with the feces, which then becomes food for snails...and the cycle continues.
What if the snail mentioned in Zero's story had a leucochloridium inside...?
'Spinochordodes tellinii' posted:
Also known as the hairworm, it is thin and long. That larvae are hatched in aquatic environments and then consumed by water insects, which are then eaten by land-based bugs like crickets and praying mantises. Once the parasite reaches adulthood, it can control its host, leading it to water to drown it. The parasite then escapes the host and returns to the water where it reproduces. The larvae are eaten by water insects...and the cycle repeats.
'Toxoplasma gondii' posted:
A single cell organism with a width of about 2-3 micrometers and length of about 4-7 micrometers. One of the most common parasites, its definitive host is the cat. An infected rat loses its fear of cats, making it more susceptible to be preyed upon by its predator.
'Metempsychosis (1)' posted:
If metempsychosis really exists, what are the chances you are an intelligent life form in your next life, as opposed to everything else?
Taking a number of things into account, "everything else" has a much greater chance.
But if you were reborn as a duck, frog, or even a paramecium, there would be no way you'd be able to know and recognize your own existence. In effect, it's not any different from being a sponge or a rock.
That being said, rocks and sponges don't have wills of their own (aside from a few notable exceptions), so you wouldn't care about your next life. Why would you?
'Metempsychosis (2)' posted:
An example: You're in a totally dark room with a die in front of you. If you roll a 1, the light turns on, but any other number keeps the light off. You can roll it as many times as you wish. So what will the dice number be when you see it? One, of course, because you can't see any other result.
Another example: The whole world and everything on it stops in the next second. Exactly a minute later (disregarding who would be the one timing this) it all starts up again. No one will even notice that time stopped. In other words, there's no point to considering that 1 minute, as you can't say that it even existed.
It's the same as being reborn a duck, frog, or yellow sponge. The die in the dark and the halted world.
There are scholars who claim that if metempsychosis is absolutely true, you're guaranteed to be reborn as an intelligent life form. It's possible this is a result of the observable selection effect, an aspect of the anthropic principle.